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Thailands Wine

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Maule Valley

The Maule Valley covers around 30% of the total wine area in Chile

Making it the largest wine-producing region in the country. This area forms a wide, longitudinally located valley with rolling hills, delimited on the west side by the mountains on the coast and on the east by the Andes. The climate is slightly moist Mediterranean. The winter is characterized by heavy rainfall with an average of 730 mm per year, followed by a long, dry season with sunny weather and high temperatures. The average annual temperature is 14 ° C and in January the temperature rises to a maximum of 32 ° C. The temperature differences between day and night are between 15 ° and 18 ° C. However, in the winter there is a chance of night frost, against which winemakers arm themselves with various techniques to keep the air between the vines warm. Blue and white grapes grow, such as Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay. Bouchon, Carta Vieja, Segú Ollé and Balduzzi make their wines here.


Maule Valley

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