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Thailands Wine

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Valdeor race

Valdeorras is one of the smaller and lesser-known wine regions of Spain.

It is located in Galicia in the north-west of the country, between the more famous D.O.s of Rias Baixas and Bierzo. The vineyards of this wine are at an altitude of 600 to 720 meters and consist mainly of sandy soils. Valdeorras, literally a valley of gold, has a continental climate. Because the sun lies 150 kilometers inland, the influence of the Atlantic Ocean is a lot less than in other parts of Galicia. The grape: Godello is a rich, aromatic grape and almost certainly the same as the verdelho from Portugal. It is one of Spain’s most interesting white varieties while the grape was almost extinct in the 70s. In terms of character, comparable to the aroma of the albarinho and the silk-like of the viognier. Its affinity with wood makes the wine an excellent alternative for those who are tired of Chardonnay.
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