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Thailands Wine

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Lambrusco is a slightly sparkling Italian wine.

The name comes from the Lambrusco grape from which the wine is made. Lambrusco wine can be red, white and rosé. The wine comes from the Emilia-Romagna and Lombardy regions. Lambrusco is a light refreshing wine. The slight sparkling arose because the second fermentation took place in a closed tank. Lambrusco is popular because it is an easy wine and is very suitable as a refreshing drink in the spring or summer. That does not mean that Lambrusco cannot be combined with heavier food.


Many popular wines run the risk that the emphasis will be on production rather than quality. This has also happened at Lambrusco. It means that in many (most) cases the quality is no longer at the original level. Many wine lovers therefore ignore the wine. There is good news for them. Different producers are committed to making quality wines.

The lambrusco grape

The lambrusco grape is a blue grape variety. The same grape is also used for the production of for balsamic vinegar and grappa. It is an easy to grow grape with a high yield with not too many sugars and few tannins. Over the centuries, dozens of varieties have emerged spontaneously. Nowadays the grape is also found elsewhere in Italy, including in Piedmont, Veneto and Sicily. It is also planted in Australia and South Africa. A grape with the name Lambrusca is found in the United States. However, this is not the same grape but a hybrid variety.



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